Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles.

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Flower PickA combination of a shape variant and a sticker mod.
Flower PuzzleSomething halfway between tetraminx and "pyraminx with hexagons"
Flower Symbol 3x3x3A 3x3x3 with flower-like plastic tiles instead of stickers.

Flower TetrahedronThe simplest possible hybrid of corner and edge turning tetrahedron.
Flower copter Skewb PlusThe Flower Copter Skewb plus an additional set of cuts.
Flower copter octahedronA shape variant of the Flower Copter, a puzzle with hybrid axis system.

Flower copter octahedron plusThe Flower Copter Plus redesigned into the shape of an octahedron.
Flower copter skewbThis puzzle combines the curvy copter skewb and the flower copter and thereby make an impressive jumbling puzzle even more complex.
Flower copter skewb V2An already immensely complex puzzle gets more possibilities for turning.

Flower copter skewb extremeA corner and edge turning cube that combines the cuts of the "Flower copter skewb plus v2" and the "Flower copter skewb stars"
Flower copter skewb plus v2A puzzle combining a bunch of different cuts.
Flower copter skewb starsThe flower copter stars plus skewb turns.

Flower kubeClose to the easiest hybrid puzzle combining a face turning and an edge turning cube.
Flowered JewelAlso known as "Jewel Puzzler"
Flowered Octagonal PrismLike the normal Octagonal Prism but with flowers on the center stickers.

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